Contoh Soal SBMPTN 2017 dan Pembahasannya: Juni 2013

Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

Prediksi Soal SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris

Prediksi Soal Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN

soal tpa sbmptn 2014Dalam artikel ini ada sedikit model soal SBMPTN Bahsa ingris, silakan dicoba dijawab dan dijadikan latihan dalam menghadapi seleksi masuk PTN lewat SBMPTN/SPMB. Education is often viewed as school in a traditional, formal sense. Many people believe that true learning can only take place in a formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in many different forms and environments. There may not be a definitive answer to the question of, ‘What is education?’ However, we can start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth to be responsible citizens? Is it to develop individuals, as well as society, in order to ensure a society’s economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents and intelligence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our answers may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is granted growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health, nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.

Contoh Soal TPA SBMPTN

soal tpa sbmptn 2014Contoh soal SBMPTN 2014 Soal TPA SBMPTN  adalah Tes Potensi Akademik atau TPA adalah sebuah tes yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui bakat dan kemampuan seseorang di bidang keilmuan atau akademis, dibawah ini ada contoh soal sbmptn 2013 adalah sebagai berikut:
Silakan dicoba dijawab soal sbmptn dibawah ini, Untuk soal nomor 1 sampai dengan nomor 5, pilihlah pasangan kata paling tepat pada alternatif jawaban (A, B, C, D, E) yang memiliki jenis hubungan setara dengan pasangan kata pada soal yang tercetak dengan huruf kapital!